Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Let's reflect on 2020 together here.  

  1. Proudest moment of the year - "New house baby!" / Paying off one of my main credit cards. 
  2. Most embarrassing moment this year - "When I got kicked out baby!" / When I first farted in front of my boyfriend.
  3. Funniest moment of the year - Moments when we're high together. / When we're being silly together 
  4. Your biggest achievement of the year - Finding a home and having a bit more confident with my job  / taking the first steps to looking into a master program and paying off my debt
  5. Best moment of the year - Being able to connect with my SO on another level, more than just friendhship and SEX / Being able to be myself with someone other than my family and spending time with my parents. 
  6. Most challenging thing this year - Avoiding Corona virus while working and grateful to still be employeed during this year. Surving through 2020  / Flustering myself with what I want to do with my life. 
  7. Best holiday memory of the year - Christmas- family and 4th of July / Valentine's Day and 4th of July. 
  8. Best advise you heard this year - / "Don't settle for confort." 
  9. Most grateful for this year - Family and a good job / Family, heath and god. 
  10. Favorite family memory of the year - Spending time with both families during the holidays. Visiting my cousin in TX and being able to see others during this crazy time. 
  11. Biggest regret this year - Don'y let anybody borrow. "Colteral first, borrow later" No regrets!
  12. Most excited for this year - God blessed with a new home. / My trip to Spain with Hongdat and Tony. 
  13. Best thing you learned this year - Not to trust a lot of people /  I learned to be patience with myself and others and being more understanding with things. 
  14. Biggest change you made this year - Moving into a bigger home than where my family started in.  / Me moving in with my SO. 
  15. Best gift you received this year - Birthday and christma gift / A second family. 
  16. A new friend you made this year - My boy ray and slimmy B / my SO 
  17. Most inspiring person you met this year - maybe you (my SO) / my SO
  18. One word to describe this year - "BitterSweet" / "Pandemic"
  19. An unexpected obstacle this year - Being kicked out / Losing a "best friend" who was toxic
  20. An unexpected suprise this year - Being with you unexpectedly / Falling for someone that I did not tended to stay long with. 
  21. Best place you visited this year - Portland, OR / Barcelona, Spain
  22. A new skill you learned this year - Cutting dry wall by hand / Negotiaction with clients 
  23. Biggest obsession this year - Getting what I want / $$$$ 
  24. Best book you read this year - The 5 love lanuages / H.E.R
  25. Best food you ate this year - Motherfuckin Cream Puffs and Hot Boys / Everything from Spain and their BREAD. 
  26. Best TV show you watched this year - Honey Hesit (La Casa de Papel), Black Mirror, Blackish 
  27. Best viral video you saw this year - / "That's my baby dawg"
  28. Best meme you saw this year
  29. Best movie this year -Soul- Pixar
  30. Best song you heard this year - 
  31. Worst song you heard this year
  32. Worst movie you saw this year
  33. Pick three words to describe this year - Happy, Crazy, Family/Friend / Grateful, Scary, Stable
  34. What was your biggest personal change from January - December of this year? no change
  35. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally? Having to learn to love a person / Letting small things go and understand to build a healthy relationship. 
  36. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually? Very cautous and thankful I'm able to avoid the covid. Pray more /  Connecting with others on another level for the more positive view.
  37. In what way(s) did you grow physically? From eating too much / From balacing my intake on caleries. 
  38. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationship with others? Having to love family and SO more and be able to care more. Be more giving and less selfsish / Listen and understand. Reaching out to friends and family more than before.  
  39. What was the most enjoyable part of your work? (professionally and at home) - Being able to grow with my forming / Working from home
  40. What was the best way you used your time this year? Being able to travel and finding time for family as well. Spending time and connecting with my boyfriend and hustling my side business. 
  41. Reflecting on 2020, tell me in a few sentences what's the good, bad, and advices you would give to yourself for the new year?  Stay with what you know. Learn to be open to people and always remember to love yourself. / I was able to connect with someone on a whole other level. With the downfall of some baggage but I'm willing to understand and learn through the process. The advice I would give to myself is, at the end of the day, you still have to look after yourself and make sure that youre mentally okay during this pandemic. 

End of 2020 Interview
What is your favorite:

Onto 2021
  1. What is your slogan for 2021? "Save Money 2021 BABY!" / "Do what it takes to get that bread"
  2. Place you want to visit next year - Hawaii, Paris, Florida / Paris, NY, and Cabo 
  3. One thing to work harder on next year - pushing the best of myself and learning new things / self development 
  4. Something new to try next year - Traveling to places I never been to / Learn a new useful skill in my daily life
  5. A new skill to learn next year - Learn blueprint and layout / new techinique in the kitchen 
  6. Habits to change next year - NO MORE LAZY! and bad eating habits  (including cleaning habits) / More active 
  7. What would you change about yourself? -  Be more active and working out more / my butt 
  8. What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do more than that?
  9. Three short term goals for next year (6 months)
  10. Three long term goals for next year (12 months)
  11. Material: What three things would you like to purchase next year?
Fill in the blank: 
  1. I want to repeat:
  2. I want to lose:
  3. I want to gain:
  4. I want to enjoy:
  5. I want to savor:
  6. I need more:
  7. I can succeed by:
  8. My helpers are:
  9. I will succeed in:
  10. I need to say that:

Quarterly Goals: 
  1. Major Goal:
  2. To reach the goal; I need to __________

I hope you pursue what you love in 2021, supported and surrounded by people who are so happy to have you in their lives. I hope you realize that we grow from failure, and that the lessons you learn will benefit you so much. Those bumps along the roads, the sad days, the doubting, things not turning out the way you imagined they would - they will happen, and it will be okay. You will face it, you will survive, grow and you will make a wonderful year for yourself, regardless, or indeed because of that. 

Sometime, whatever is it can be shitty but its' what you make the best out of it. With the people you surround yourself with, the environment you put yourself in. Positively putting yourself in the right position will thing bring light to the ones you love most. 

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