Monday, November 26, 2018

Falling out of love

Sometime you make me feel like I'm on top of the world.
Maybe my actions are the reason why you feel the way you do.
I blame myself every single time something happens and I know this shouldn't be the case.
I try to reach the highest point in life for myself and with you by my side but... that's isn't enough.
This goes back to the person you wish to be with; for the rest of your life.
I know deep down, I'm not what you want and I know that from the beginning.
You say "I love you because you have a good heart" but that's not all you care about.
What hurts more? You falling out of love with me? Or is it my appearance that is not what you are looking for anymore?
Yes, I am hurt and sad but that is what you truly feel inside.
You wanted to make this relationship work and try again but...
I honestly want to fix things and repair what we once had but I honestly don't know how...
The "sparks" isn't there anymore. The pure love you once had for me is fading away.
How can this be?

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