Layout: N.S / M.N
2021 Reflection Questions
- Proudest moment of the year - Graduating from my apprenticeship / When I put my mental health as priority.
- Most embarrassing moment this year - When dongaruski in my pants at the gas station / When I get lit with friends around.
- Funniest moment of the year - Times when we're lit together / When Nicko and I do some dumb shit while high outside of the house.
- Your biggest achievement of the year - Promoted to journeymen / Surviving a major car accident.
- Best moment of the year - Going on dates and adventures w/ you, spending time with family and develop a new friendship with Joe. / When my parents was able to visit the place I lived.
- Most challenging thing this year - Having to live check-to-check and working "under the table"
- Best holiday memory of the year - Thanksgiving / Quitting my job on the most expensive time of the month.
- Best advise you heard this year - "Understand your partner in a deeper meaning." / "Be patient with yourself and be presence in the moment."
- Most grateful for this year - Grateful for health and still being able to afford things, in spike of the income situation. / Life and my health.
- Favorite family memory of the year - My family and I experiencing visiting a new destination together, Hawaii. / When my family was able to send time with Nicko's family.
- Biggest regret this year - Messing with you. / Not taking action for what career earlier.
- Most excited for this year - Excited to share and experience my trip to Hawaii with my family. / My travels
- Best thing you learned this year - Working with Joe provided me with more training and knowledge in different types of work. / Love yourself and making sure I am okay before taking care of others.
- Biggest change you made this year - The first step to a new career path. / Being unemployed as a choice.
- Best gift you received this year - Material things, from others and myself. / Family and friends emotional supportive that I've done.
- A new friend you made this year - "Motherfuckin Joe" / Stephen and Ashley
- Most inspiring person you met this year - Joe is the most inspiring person I met this year. (own company = own boss, meaningful hobby) / My-My
- One word to describe this year - "ZIG-ZAG" / "CATASTROPHIC"
- An unexpected obstacle this year - Being laid-off for a long period of time compared to other years. / my mental health going downhill and being diagnose with depression.
- An unexpected surprise this year - Going through a list of companies and not being able to find work. / This year was full of surprises, good and bad. (car accident, mental health, physical health, and career)
- Best place you visited this year - Hawaii / NOLA
- A new skill you learned this year - Finish work / Baking new sweets
- Biggest obsession this year - Porn / Cleaning
- Best book you read this year - Rich Dad, Poor Dad / You are a Badass
- Best food you ate this year - Eating beef for the first time in a long time. (Brazil stake house and BBQ at the cabin) / NOLA treats and Poke in Hawaii
- Best TV show you watched this year - Ozarks / Squid Game
- Best viral video you saw this year - Gawk Gawk 3000 / None
- Best movie this year - Spider-Man No Way Home / <- same
- Best song you heard this year - Cold Heart - Elton John, Dua Lipa / Vibe for me
- Worst song you heard this year - TeeMonroe but it slaps tho! / All the cringe songs Nicko be playing
- Worst movie you saw this year - Cannot recall / Some cartoons
- Pick three words to describe this year - Windy, open, / challenging, loving and blessed.
- What was your biggest personal change from January - December of this year? July (I was laid off and calling every possible number to find work / August when I started to get sick without realizing it.
- In what way(s) did you grow emotionally? Being humble and realizing what I have more so than i did. / Being present with myself and in settings in real time to connect with others.
- In what way(s) did you grow spiritually? Thank god for what I have and having more time to myself and with family. / Thanking all gods for everything that happened and getting me through tough times. Praying and understanding more.
- In what way(s) did you grow physically? Weight from getting that good-good. / Weight! I've gained some weight than my usual.
- In what way(s) did you grow in your relationship with others? Appreciate the presence around me and vis version. / I've been more distance this year, but I am trying to make an effort but i have to put myself and my family first.
- What was the most enjoyable part of your work? (professionally and at home) - Waking up in the morning and enjoying the job and coworkers presence. / my coworkers! hands down!
- What was the best way you used your time this year? Keeping myself busing doing anything, errands, chores etc to prolong my day (THIS IS A DAMN LIE- MN) / being active as much as possible. I do clean a lot as a therapy outlet.
- Reflecting on 2021, tell me in a few sentences what's the good, bad, and advices you would give to yourself for the new year?
I was able to learn new skills and developing new friendships. Throughout the year, I was able to take my first step to a new path; that I am excited to take on following years to come. The best advise I can give to myself is to push through any obstacles. Being positive or negative situations there may be. /
Jan - Car accident
Feb - Recovering
Mar - Recovering
Apr - PT and Chro
May - nothing out of the ordinary
Jun - Trip to NOLA
Jul - Hiked 10 miles and jumped off the bridge & wine time with my girls!
Aug - Vegas for my sisters wedding
Sep - Bottle Rock with Saida and Hawaii with Nicko's family
Oct - Danny's and Sarah's Baby Shower for Ahri!
Nov - Thanksgiving with both side of the family. Quit my job!
Dec - Christmas with my friends and family
Advise I would give to myself is do everything that makes you happy but be patient with myself. Life is short and live in the moment. Don't worry so much about the future if I cannot control it. Knowing what I want in life, I will get there someday and to communicate more fluently.

Onto to the New Year
- What is your slogan for 2022? - / "Bounce back harder than the last."
- Place you want to visit next year - Florida, Disneyworld, East Coast trip / Florida, one international trip.
- One thing to work harder on next year - To have and to keep a job / Myself and my job
- Something new to try next year - New career path as a plumber / A new hobby! Anything :)
- A new skill to learn next year - Plumber / New technique with baking and cooking.
- Habits to change next year - Laziness / Physical activities
- What would you change about yourself? - Change my ways towards you / My strict mindset and hardship I set for myself.
- What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do more than that? To spend time with family and love ones and getting a good job. /
- Three short term goals for next year (6 months) To find a job / to find a good job and get better with my mental health.
- Three long term goals for next year (12 months) To be able to dive into my new path of career as a plumber / Be able to save more than my initial goal.
- Material: What three things would you like to purchase next year? Stuff for Nai'lo's room and stuff for the loft and plane ticket to somewhere / New car, new ring and something big.
Fill in the blank:
- I want to repeat: a vacation / nothing
- I want to lose: weight / my negative thoughts
- I want to gain: knowledge / power and knowledge
- I want to enjoy: with family / my life the way I want to
- I want to savor: health / every passing moment possible
- I need more: moe money-hunnay / money
- I can succeed by: going hard / listening and understanding
- My helpers are: my love ones / my rocks
- I will succeed in: my job / making myself better and everything that I do
- I need to say that: live your best life. / i am thankful to be able to move on this year.
Quarterly Goals: Q1 - 2022
- Major Goal:
- To reach the goal; I need to __________
New Year resolutions: MN
- Eat clean
- Read more books
- Take some classes
- Save more money
- Find a job
- More hikes
- Smile more
- Laugh more
- Spend more time with my parents
- Go on a trip with my parents
New Year resolutions: NS
- More success
- Find a job
- Finding a meaningful hobby
- Setting up goals
- Work out more
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